Episode Twelve - Caught with your pants down!
It's NOT Soccer Podcast is a Sports-Centric with the mixed ramblings of Hosts Adam @BarkerPODcasts and Billy @Bilo66. Each Episode The two sit down and discuss everything worth talking about in the world of Sport and much much more. Ranging from English Soccer to International Sports to Random Entertaining news and the Odd revelation from Billy.
It's a Sports Podcast........Kind Of!
In this Episode, Adam and Billy return for more random funniness and Sports themed chat. They discuss Rebecca Adlington retiring at age 23, Footballers wives, Delivering to half naked women, Match Fixing, Chatting to "Our Mate Dave" @Sweeney_dave about the NFL via Google Hangout, England Football, The Funniest Story NOT involving Billy plus much much more
Listen in and enjoy The Show about Sports and More.

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It's NOT Soccer is part of The Barker PODcasts Collection. You Can go and Enjoy the Other Podcasts in the Collection by visiting the Website and Liking The Facebook page. www.barkerPODcasts.webs.com
Podcasts include The ODDcast PODcast UK, MOVIEcomm, Panic Stations, POD GOD Dammit! and Ask An American
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